
501c3 Recognized
Not Your Average
It's A Family
Slaybaugh Ministries, Inc. is a 501c3 recognized non-profit.
All donations give to this vision are tax deductible and go directly to those in need.
The ministry EIN# is 83-420-6875.
This ministry has a board of directors to help keep the financial, spiritual and emotional aspect of the vision in line with God's word.
While the vision has been in their hearts for years, the non-profit was birthed in March 2019, when God released them to pursue the vision.
Slaybaugh Ministries, Inc. has a team of volunteers who work diligently with them to assure The Great Commission is being fulfilled in excellence. They are firm believers that every aspect of the ministry should be done with accountability and excellence.

Pastors Joshua and Stephanie Slaybaugh have served in ministry for 20 years as Worship Pastors, Youth Pastors, Church Deacons, Evangelists and Missionaries.
As young teenagers, they began to date and knew, even then, that God had big plans for them.
Now married, with 4 children, God has grown their ministry vastly.
The focus of their vision is outreach, both local and international.
Their heart is to live out The Great Commission, by GOING where God says to go. LOVING all who they come in contact with and DISCIPLING people in order to grow the ripple effect of love.
They believe ministry is relational, and about loving people, without religious barriers.
They strive to go beyond the regular "missions trips". It's about sacrifice and lifelong commitments to those that need help. Many people need more than a week of visitation. Josh and Steph strive to go beyond that. It's not a temporary, momentary, church feel good vision. It's a vision that expands beyond church walls and reaches the ones who are so often forgotten. It's a desire to pastor the broken ones, and help bring them to a place where their purpose is realized and their ashes become a beautiful story of hope and the power of The Love Impact.
The Love Impact is a family vision. Each of Josh and Steph's children are very involved and becoming old enough to travel with mom and dad to share the gospel with children who are in need of love. Austen, their oldest (15), will be traveling with the Haiti Calls team in May of 2021. The girls, Abriella, Lyla and Avalyn have all travelled to do local outreach with the street ministry and will travel overseas in the near future. The kids have ministered at nursing homes, homes of struggling families, churches, community events and more. Josh and Steph believe, strongly, that a life of ministry holds little value if the legacy of love is not instilled in their children, and carried on through generations. Their children are their first ministry.
501(c)(3) Recognized
Slaybaugh Ministries, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) recognized non-profit
(EIN 83-4206875).
All donations given to this vision are tax deductible and go directly to helping those in need.
This ministry has a board of directors to help keep the financial, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the vision inline with God's Word.
While the vision has been in their hearts for years, the non-profit was birthed in March 2019, when God released them to pursue the vision.
Slaybaugh Ministries, Inc. has a team of volunteers who work diligently with them to assure The Great Commission is being fulfilled in excellence. They are firm believers that every aspect of the ministry should be done with accountability and excellence.

Not Your Average
It's A Family
Pastors Joshua and Stephanie Slaybaugh have served in ministry for 20 years as Worship Pastors, Youth Pastors, Church Deacons, Evangelists and Missionaries.
As young dating teenagers they knew, even then, that God had big plans for them.
Now married, with 4 children, God has grown their ministry vastly.
The focus of their vision is outreach, both local and international.
Their heart is to live out The Great Commission, by GOING where God says to go, LOVING all who they come in contact with and DISCIPLING people in order to grow the ripple effect of love.
They believe ministry is relational, and about loving people, without religious barriers.
They strive to go beyond the regular "missions trips". It's about sacrifice and lifelong commitments to those that need help. Many people need more than a week of visitation. Josh and Stephanie strive to go beyond that. It's not a temporary or momentary church feel-good vision. It's a vision that expands beyond church walls and reaches the ones who are so often forgotten. It's a desire to pastor the broken ones and have their story be part of The Love Impact.
The Love Impact is a family vision. Each of Josh and Stephanie's children are very involved and becoming old enough to travel with mom and dad to share the Gospel with children who are in need of love. Austen, their oldest (15), will be traveling with the Haiti Calls team in May of 2021. The girls, Abriella, Lyla, and Avalyn have all travelled to do local outreach with the street ministry and will travel overseas in the near future. The kids have ministered at nursing homes, homes of struggling families, churches, community events and more. Josh and Stephanie believe strongly that a life of ministry holds little value if the legacy of love is not instilled in their children and carried on through generations. Their children are their first ministry.